Damsel Film Review, Cast & Summary


Damsel is an American dark fantasy film of 2024, full of suspense, horror, and mystery of conflicts wrapped tightly around it. This film is written and directed by the same persons Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and Mazeau. Millie Bobby Brown plays the central role of Elodie, a young and beautiful princess who accepts to marry a prince without realizing the whole conspiracy of a traditional ritual behind it.

It is the absolute story of bravery and passion that eventually brings victory to her. Other cast members include Ray Winstone, Nick Robinson, Shohreh Aghdashloo and Robin Wright also play their part in the film. John Gilbert edits and David Fleming composes the music of the film. The Damsel film was finally released on March 8, 2024.

Damsel film Review

Plot and Summary

It’s a story full of suspense, thriller, mystery, and dark fantasy. It’s a story of sacrifice and ritual. The first king of Aurea attacks a Dragon residing in his realm. King’s men die and he survives under the realm of the Dragon and makes a compact to give his three daughters to the Dragon to maintain the peace between the people and the Dragon. But the hypocritical Aureans mislead Dragon by marrying their sons with another state princess and then using them as bait for the fulfillment of their promise to Dragon.

The whole scheme flops when Elodie, a brave princess retaliates her sacrifices survives the Dragon, and finally informs the Dragon about the aurean betrayal. Isabella, the mother of a young prince, tries to use Floria, the young sister of Elodie as a substitute for her elder sister to Dragon but Elodie is unsuccessful. In the end, she destroys the Aurean palace with the help of a Dragon and safely returns to her hometown.

Damsel film summary


Casting plays a crucial role in the success of any film. Damsel film consists of a hard-working cast including Millie Bobby Brown playing the central role of Elodie, a young, brave princess. Who takes on the odds and faces the Dragon bravely not eventually ending the curse from the city but also destroying the hypocritical Aureans dynasty of the region. Ray Winstone appears as Lord Bayford, an honest lord. Angela Bassett shows up on the big screen in the role of Lady Bayford the stepmother of Elodie. Many other minor characters like Robin Wright and Nick Robinson appear as Queen Isabelle and Prince Henry.


The Damsel film first was scheduled to be streamed on the online platform Netflix. But later, due to many issues of serious consequences, the movie then changed its date of promotion and release. Finally, the movie starts streaming on Netflix on March 8, 2024.

The Roth and Kirschenbaum films play the part of production houses for this film. The Damsel film contains 110 minutes as its watch time. Which enlists it among the suitable time-taking movies of 2024. The film was first released in the United States and began streaming on Netflix and other cinemas worldwide.

Ending of the Damsel Film

The ending marks the victory of honesty and trust over the selfish shadows of treachery. Aurean family forgets about their promise to the Dragon and begins using innocent people as bait against their royal blood. Isabella, a royal matriarch sponsors the whole activity under her supervision. Their whole scheme gets distorted when they decide to use the young prince, Elodie, as their next sacrifice to the Dragon.

Damsel film ending

Elodie doesn’t surrender in front of the Dragon she fights successfully till the end. In the end, she becomes successful in convincing the Dragon about the truth behind the Aurean sacrifices. Truth infuriates the Dragon he becomes a friend with the young princesses and takes revenge on the hypocritical Aureans by burning down their palace, inside them.

Short Details about Damsel Film

  • Release Date
    • March 8, 2024
  • Running time
    • 1 hour 50 minutes
  • Language
    • English
  • Country of origin
    • United States
  • Written
    • By Dan Mazeau
  • Directed
    • By Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
  • Produced
    • By Joe Roth,  Jef Kirschenbaum and Chris Castaldi
  • Distributed                                                           
    • By Nitflix
  • Production Companies
    • Roth/Kirchenbaum Films
  • Edited
    • By John Gilbert
  • Music
    • By David Fleming
  • Cinematography
    • Larry Fong
  • Starring
    • Milie Bobby Brown, Ray Winstone, Nick Robinson, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Angela Bassett, and Robin Wright

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